Thoughts, adventures and London life!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Mr Post Man

Hello there  :)

This morning, to my surprise, when I drew back my curtains I was slightly bewildered to see a red Royal Mail post van sitting on my drive. Half asleep I thought I may have been either dreaming or hallucinating! 

I wondered downstairs and opened the front door and got all excited for a package addressed to me waiting on the door step. Yay!

It was unusual that the post man actually parked on our drive... but there you go!

I received a nice big order from Dance Direct, containing all my essentials to begin the new term. Although this may not seem exciting for some of you, new dance clothes are like your first day back at school after summer when you were seven, with your new pencil case and crayons!

After all the unnecessary excitement I thought I may as well share it!  

If you are interested In making a purchase from Dance Direct they are really reliable and have great discounts :)  Just visit . Here you can also get hold of their catalogue. 

Is it just me, or do you get excited by receiving post!?

Monday 20 August 2012

There's no place like home

It's summer time, and well, the sun hasn't graced us with is presence on many occasions. Nevertheless I am enjoying a long lazy summer at home with my gorgeous friends and family.

On the other hand....

I am sooo excited to get back to London Town :)

But for now, I am perfectly content here in my home town :)

Saturday 18 August 2012

The first post!

What better way to establish my blog than showing you some scrummy delicious treats I recently made. Not going to lie, I have a slight obsession with cupcakes, who doesn't! 

So here are some I made earlier...

Yummy :)